Avanced Usage

Custom Invocation

The final argument to mw\compose is a callable $invoke. It defaults to call_user_func but can be any callable with the same function signature. This allows you to customize how the middleware is invoked. One specific example of this would be container aware invocation. A middleware instead of being a callable can be reference to a service in the container.

Here’s an example of how to use the pimpleAwareInvoke


$c = new Pimple\Container();
$c['service'] = function() {
    return function() {
        return 1;

$handler = mw\compose([
    function($next) {
        return $next() + 1;
], null, mw\pimpleAwareInvoke($c));

assert(2 == $handler());

Meta Middleware

Custom invocation is creation is a very useful feature; however, it requires special consideration if you are creating your own Meta Middleware. Meta middleware are middleware that accept other middleware and perform some action with the middleware.


These are all meta middleware. To allow custom invocation work work for all middleware whever they are added, these meta middleware need to make use of the $invoke parameter that is passed to all middleware (see mw\compose).

Here’s an example:


// maybe middleware will only invoke the middleware if the parameter is < 10
function maybe($mw) {
    return function($i, $next, $invoke) use ($mw) {
        if ($i >= 10) {
            return $next($i); // forward to next middleware

        return $invoke($mw, $i, $next, $invoke);

function loggingInvoke() {
    return function($func, ...$params) {
        echo "Invoking Middleware with Param: $params[0]\n";
        return call_user_func($func, ...$params);

$handler = mw\compose([
    function() { return 1; },
    maybe(function($i, $next) {
        return $next($i) + 100;
], null, loggingInvoke());

echo $handler(1) . PHP_EOL;
echo $handler(10) . PHP_EOL;


Invoking Middleware with Param: 1
Invoking Middleware with Param: 1
Invoking Middleware with Param: 1
Invoking Middleware with Param: 10
Invoking Middleware with Param: 10