Pimple MiddlewareΒΆ

You can easily integrate your middleware stacks with pimple using the Mw\Context\PimpleContext which will allow any middleware to be a pimple identifier and give you access to your pimple container via the mw context.


use Krak\Mw;

$container = new Pimple\Container();
$container['i'] = 5;
$container['inc_mw'] = function() {
    return function($i, $next) {
        return $next($i + 1);

$handler = mw\compose([
    function($i) { return $i; },
    function($i, $next) {
        $ctx = $next->getContext();
        return $next($i + $ctx['i']);
], new Mw\Context\PimpleContext($container));

assert($handler(4) == 10);